
carrotJS carrotJS

carrotJS is a 2D game framework for making HTML5 games which follows a different approach: Instead of using Canvas2D or WebGL for rendering it is entirely based on DOM elements (divs, to be exactly) and CSS. It's an experiment to see what is possible since it is commonly known that DOM manipulations are rather slow in comparison to Canvas2D or WebGL. I'm also developing it just because it's fun and a possibility to learn more about Javascript, CSS and the DOM. ✨

See README for a guide to getting started with carrotJS.


Via: If a class has an entry in the Via column it means you can quickly access it through a local reference: e.g., you can control the camera via this.camera from any state, or game.camera if game has been globally defined.

Class Via Description
Game game Manages booting, creating subsystems and running the logic and render loop.
World world The Game World in which all Game Objects live.
Camera camera The Camera is your view into the Game World.


Class Via Description
Cache cache The Cache is where all loaded assets are stored and retrieved from.
AssetLoader load Loads all external asset types (images, audio) and adds them to the Cache. Automatically invoked by a States preload method.

Game Object creation

Class Via Description
ObjectFactory add A helper class that can create any of the Carrot Game Objects and adds them to the Game World.
Group add.group Groups can contain multiple Game objects.
Sprite add.sprite A sprite is a game object containing an image.
Timer add.timer A timed function which can be repeated.

Game objects

Class Description
Sprite A Game object with an image, capable of running animation and physics.


Class Description
Circle A Circle object consisting of a position and diameter.
Point A Point object consisting of an x and y position.
Rectangle A Rectangle object consisting of an x, y, width and height.


Class Via Description
Time time The core internal clock on which all Carrot time related operations rely.
Timer time A timed event handler.


Class Via Description
Math math Contains lots of math related helper methods.


Class Via Description
Physics physics The core Physics Manager. Provides access to all of the physics sub-systems.
Body sprite.body An Physics Body. Contains velocity, acceleration, drag and other related properties.


Class Via Description
Keyboard keyboard The Keyboard input handler. Listens for device related events. Can also create Key objects.
Mouse mouse A Mouse event handler. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer.


Class Via Description
SoundManager sound The Sound Manager controls all Sound objects and can play, loop, fade and stop Sounds.


Class Via Description
Color - Carrot.Color stores the 140 standard HTML / CSS colors.


Class Via Description
Debug debug Contains methods to debug game objects.